Friday, 23 August 2013

Those Vaguely Vague Ones!

Towards Perfect Love!

All our vanity, debaucheries and our selfishness can seem satisfying or at least appear to until the the moment we fall in love and decide to love someone truly. Our flawlessness or weakness can have no relevant meaning at all until we want to love. Our general quantitative aspects to the meaning of life breaks down to birth the discreet qualitative notion - when we love. Our sense to move towards a perfect idea of character begins, when we begin to love. 
  We desire immensely to be perfect not because we want to but it rather it stems from our self found revelation, that our imperfectness meddles in our ability to love perfectly.But if you desire to be perfect for pride and not for love then that perfectness would never be complete leaving you frustrated. No matter how hard we try to hide our raw selves, we long passionately to not just to be loved but to love perfectly the ones we want to love. (though to be loved depends on the other person) It is not just the show of affection but it seeps deeper- to sacrifice to the point of giving up our lives though not just through death (which is sometimes easy) but of your thoughts, attitude and therefore your way of life. To love someone is to give up your comfort zone of petty selfishness and rise above yourself and anticipate to be perfect and so you can love perfectly, though you never know if you would be loved in return. For it's mostly love, that empowers us to go beyond our potentials.

If you and i are tempted to think that character doesn't matter, then i would say with reluctance that when it comes to relationships, character does matter. If you don't think so, then love someone dearly and be honest to yourself and you could come face to face with your inability to love. For love is patient, love is kind, love does not envy; it does not boast, keeps no records of wrong. It not easily angered; it is not proud or rude. It is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, trusting and never fails. We can't keep up with the above list, which we know are characteristics of real love until we develop a character or aspire to. If your love doesn't develop a character, then i doubt even if u love or trying to love in the first place. You can be patient in the beginning of a beautiful love but it's character developed through that love, that enables you to be patient later in love. It's love that inspires that character which in turn inspires you and i to that perfect character which in turn leads back into a love that is growing prefect due to the developing character.

The main cry of this world is an example of a perfect love, that they can be a part of not their allegiance to a  perfect political idea or government.

Friday, 16 August 2013

The Rain Trilogy.....

Part Two: While it Rains!

The spherically shaped discrete unit of water, known to us as drops, form the functional unit of the rain. (sounds like an answer in a science test) The drops, fall when they are big enough (probably 18) to be intoxicated under the influence of gravity, leave their abode in turns. They begin to have a free life, leaving home and probably sky diving without a parachute until they they make contact in seconds; could be a hair less head or just a spiny Porcupine. It's not that they don't have a future or something, they just annihilate when they hit with a sound, ( a soft continuous sound similar to when ya curry is cooking) nevertheless for a greater cause. 

Sometimes they sound like an army, raining down a battery of white canon balls along with their water bullets ready to take over the land, fighting their arch rival - Dryness, whose king is probably the sun. But sometimes this wet black army really rubs it in, when they are angry or too drunk, they try to establish their water kingdom on earth, perhaps the land. It suddenly seems, when this army does it to an extent by going beyond just to defeat dryness, and when they bring in their ally, the wind, who gets deadly as his speed, that they are sent in by the sea, (like on a suicide mission) sent to conquer the land; the sea probably gets very ambitious now and then even when it covers 71% of the earth surface. who cares! Oops! the real estate folks ;)

Anyway that's a war hyperbole version of the rain. Yeah! Rain to us, is just getting our supplies of the life drink replenished or just getting water from the top to clean up. We as humans mess up, like a kid who dirties his trousers while playing in the sand and gets his mom to wash it up, we however call nature to do it now and then, in other words it's 'Nature's Laundry Time'. (and please concrete's laundry time too). Moreover we as humans have really dirtied up the place beyond measure, so when it rains it actually gets more messed up up like a kid whose tries to clean a blob of chocolate sauce of his shirt with his already chocolate soaked fingers. (you know!) I always thought that if a place doesn't look lovely in the rain (or even just after a rain) that place is not at all beautiful in the first place, thanks to the responsible sanitary department of the government and it's many irresponsible citizens. (take a bow!)

  However usually while it rains, the parents usually house arrest the unlucky kids for the fear of the virus but the lucky ones, get to dance in the rain which is one of the most lovely things to do, except if you are from Cherrapunji. If you're an adult you pretty much get to have a nonchalance feeling for the rain, except if it is your daughter's wedding tomorrow (who wants a muddy wedding?). If you are young, and not getting married tomorrow, you can always romanticize a setting with your sublime love virtually or like the movies sit down with the cup of coffee and stare at the rainy view, with pretty much nothing to do except posing. But if you are, say at a bus stop, beside your parked bike, you get to watch folks who seem to be running for the first time in their lives with a controlled amusing speed besides you looking for the lost instincts of when it might stop raining. Oh! It has stopped raining..... I gotta go! Adieu!  

Friday, 9 August 2013

One of those 'just' Writings!

Take out the Trash!

To open my mail inbox everyday is like rummaging literally through trash, like a a scavenger looking for something valuable. However as i ransack the crap (mostly), assisted by the mouse controlled cursor, i usually find something that appears to shine as gold, enough to captivate the human heart, which is usually all those fraudulent mails stating that you, or your mail or even your mobile number has deserved to win something (getting stuff free is our greatest temptation though sometimes it appears in it's diluted form, endorsed by the sinister sign: Up to 50% off!....) Moreover i guess, they are not true but who cares to find out anyway as they always ask for some security deposit; there's no free lunch my Boy! ( an old saying which i know kinda sure that didn't have it origins in India) However the other part of the search is directed towards finding some mail addressed as "Dear something", which when seen, seems like searching for diamonds for the soul among the virtual dump, which Google tries frantically to neatly list.(thanks to the spam folder)

    I sometimes sheepishly believe that i name my 'Inbox' as 'Trash' and move the scavenged mails, which attract my attention or which i think means something to me, to the inbox to complete my scavenging. But thanks to the new tab initiative by the Gmail team for i guess, seem to have a better waste management.... Virtually!

P.S. We as a human race seem to produce more waste and it gets more sophisticated as time goes by. Yup! and now we are creating it 'virtually'......

Saturday, 3 August 2013

To Romanticize...?

The School Romance!

I first laid my eyes on you when I was six 

as you were gathered away in his arms.

I knew sooner - mystically that our paths would  cross

and we would be for a life time together - inseparable

with what they call the gut feeling.

I stayed low, as days collectively known as months passed

and i was busy doing math & science 

holding a graphite rod, sharpened with a Japanese blade

engineered by the Germans and while made in China.

While China slowly began to manufacture the fountain pen,

which I would use when I entered the fourth grade- I heard


I had almost forgotten you then, but as i heard that lovely 

tone from yonder,

I reconfigured that it was a time for a love story- a story

with loads of love but it could be rendered Illegit by the 


On a fine day when usually nothing better happens,

 I saw you all by yourself with no arms wrapped.

I stole myself, excited with curiousity, moving cautiously

but you didn't budge for you were turned the other way

as i touched you - Snap! went the second string of a guitar,

whose care taker wasn't around to be seen.

My heart throbbed for it look like a failed proposal;

I drew back as i got a real scowl from the owner

when he had learned about this rather embarrassing touch. 

Though this failed endeavour never stopped my arrival,

going around getting different guitars to date

and it was years before i married one - who 

perhaps left after she broke (literally) leading to the break up.

Now as i live each day, i can only sing a nostalgia

for these six metal strings, they always made my day;

days when i got frustrated or angry or tired - they 

together enabled me to create something beautiful (music),

beautiful through all the times - times we spent

in solitude under the moon or even under the ceiling fan;

times when they together were a support when i was vexed,
and spared the money for a anger management session.

Now with gratitude, I sing the song i sung...

"Oh 'E'! You appear so shiny and high when u sound

and your cute neighbour 'B' who helps while I Travis pick.

My lovely 'G' - you are hard to tame (tune) but when u do

you fill my heart with a music so psychedelic;

and your brother 'D' sound the best harmonics.

Mr. 'A', i respect you for you are like salt in a meal

and 'E' your depth, deepens my emotions emotionally 

and i can't wait to meet your twins on a 12 string guitar.. :P "