Friday, 4 October 2013

A Scientific Paper? :P

The Anti- Bacterial Hypocrisy!

We have more bacteria than actual human cells on or in our body by a forceful ratio of 3:1 and that’s what the scientific reports claim. (Maybe we all should use bacteria as our surnames?)  Besides one of friends shyly admitted that she read some where that the human mouth houses more bacteria than the US houses its citizens. (Minus illegal immigrants ?) Great Scott! I am kinda relieved at least they didn't find it to a number close to the count of responsible citizens of India or China... In addition to this fact, a typical rationalist wouldn't be able to help but loudly reckon that a kiss could be just a massive exchange of germs and I can’t wait for an evolutionist or an evolutionary anthropologist to come with a sheer story of why we humans started kissing in the first place.. ( Gross? read on)

Several years ago I read a snippet of news, that firmly clung to my mind, which read that the count of allergies is in the rise for a section of us were on a mount to render themselves clean; actually it was ‘too’ clean.  Maybe it referred to the folks who used hand sanitizers after and before a meal. Now after reading the above gross fact, they might even start using mouth washes even more often, for all they can perceive is the invisible bacteria. For they seem that they are more of a bacteria plus a thinking machine, which thinks of nothing but eliminating bacteria. But if they really want to exile these bacteria of their bodies or mostly their skins, they seemly can, you know, outsource this cleansing to the bacterium terminators like the T4, a virus which already exists and it is not from the future biology textbooks.

However I usually think that our bodies are a battleground, where many bloody battles take shape in the mobile War-field: Our Blood. “No wonder blood is always a bloody mess or make one bloody mess” (Try reciting that in the British accent) Battles usually result in a Bloody Mess!

I continue to think that the body is a mighty fortress, in biological terms and not when an IED goes off in my neighbor’s. The infantry in my blood, the warrior cells of the immune system (WBC or T cells or whatever u call it) when they take on their enemies, they study their DNA and store their signatures in a database lest their relatives of the slain germs come, on the pretext of claiming their bodies. Our body, at most can protect itself from all the small invasions, if provided with ample nutrients minus sugar, though it has become very likely our staple diet these modern days. In the end, I guess it all depends on you, for you are the subtle commander in chief of your body’s defence forces, as the immune system depends on your mood, in other words, I guess, your emotional stability (Ah yes! I did read Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence)

Well! We being our bodies’ sole commander in chief, it becomes our duty to organise some military exercises or target practices for the body’s defence forces’ like letting some extra bacteria linger on. But if you don’t, then the soldiers might get bored and start attacking anything that enters the bodies from peanuts to bits of paper. Moreover by acting too clean, we lose out on the bacteria for our symbiotic relationship with them or just for some sheer military exercises.

My conclusion: In the end, I believe, we should take our bodies for some walk and let them be dirty for a while, so that your body can have some military games and stay healthy by maintaining a strong defensive database.Well! In the end we should just stay socially clean but biologically dirty……..For being too clean is not healthy and a distinct hypocrisy!  ;)