Monday, 21 October 2013

An Unnecessary Thinking!

An Oops!!

As I grow older, I have begun to think (doesn't necessarily mean I wasn't thinking before) about a lot of phrases we hear strewn around like : ‘life’s unfair’ , 'this is the age to eat' , ‘eat now and later you can’t eat much’….. And I used to hear them and shake ma head like a good kid until now. Certain innocent phrases seems to make no sense when I get the bottom of them - imagining its origins and its consequences. 

My head seems to be such a ‘head-weight’! (An Indian expression i reckon!) Some people accuse me of thinking too much, but it really has an advantage : staying lean. Though a few have accused me of getting fat , specially girls and they seem to enjoy it. Whatever! 

Well! This isn't about gals like most of the songs and poems!
(if there were no women on earth, almost all the songs and poems would cease to exist.. oops! even me!) But it is that phrase that I really don’t understand what it is suppose to mean: 'this is the age to eat' as if all the old folks are in to caves and meditating food-less.  This one seems to be a fallacy, i guess due to some logical incoherence.

This phrase I really don’t know which century’s grand mother came up with and it doesn't seem to be very logically valid today or perhaps any day.  And I don’t know if it really means I should eat more than enough without limits or it means there is a universal 'enough'. But them, several of them abuse this innocent phrase!

However if i really take it literally and eat, whatever or how much ever without much of discipline, (discipline, I am beginning to love it these days) then its effects can be bad maybe in 20 years.
(am always accused of being a futurist) I am sure gonna end with the anti-popular life style diseases. After that sets in, the doc's gonna advice me not to eat, usually whatever i was eating greedily. And it's real annoying when at last someone tells me 'not to eat' for a consulting fee. I could have a bought a big pizza or an insect burger (The UN is encouraging folks to eat insects for it has high protein and easy to breed) with that consulting fee. 

A direct effect of that phrase and it seem to have come true!

But the most frustrating thing would be changing this habit which has strengthened itself for 20 years. And i guess i know by now, that a new habit can never be formed after just a night’s sleep or a magnetic therapy to change brain wiring with a magnetic field. 'Old Habits Die Hard!'.

However all this doomsday consequences would be 'cause of taking that silly phrase too seriously or too literally.

So the thing decided: if I wanna form a habit in the future, I better start doing it now. Later if i'm gonna learn a habit, it would take a long time and worse no background score like Fort Minor’s ‘Remember the name', while i'm training!… Oops!

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