After the Game...
I began to think of children – their innocence , their cuteness, their carefree
laughter, not because the week before housed the children’s day for I don’t get
too attached to days and have grown over the sentimentality that comes attached to
a day, when candies are disturbed. I began to think of them, when after a game
of football I sat and gazed at a puppy, whose sex I don’t know but I claim it
was a she for I am a male writer and it makes it more intense to have it that
way… I was drawn to that puppy like most of you; makes me a good person? (Nope!)
After a game of that wonderful game, where I missed enough goals to be a
celebrity, I sat alone and gazed at a puppy dance around the grass with little
flowers strewn around and she ran as if to chase a yellow butterfly. (I don’t know if
she was chasing that butterfly but for dramatic reasons I claim it was) However
I kept an eye on the sleeping mother and her brother, who seemed to sleep as if it was a government holiday (it was) lest if they wake up to find a stranger with
their girl.
Yes! I was drawn to her but she wasn't for she seemed happy or curious running around. Well! I called her – the easy way; to emit a silent
high frequency sound. She came running towards me with a nay prejudice. (One word
I still can’t pronounce) She came running as if she was sure that I had
something good to offer, u know, I wasn't dangerous or evil; in other words she
made me feel trustworthy in matter of seconds.
She wasn't worried if I missed
goals in the wonderful game for she was innocent of that or it wasn't necessary
at all. She wanted me to play with her or tickle her and give her some
expression of affection in a touchy way. Moreover all she was: she was mildly
selfish in an innocent way.
However I guess even I was selfish, attracted
to her small, cute innocent features like we are attracted to a baby’s small
toes or fingers and sometimes this attraction leaves one in a situation - annoyed. Especially
when you walk around with a girl or girls and they grow mad over a stranger’s kid
and they are like:
“He is so sho sho cute”.
And I can't help but mumble:
“Yeah right! Even I was cute when I was little”
Maybe I should hang with someone who was there when I was little and cute
and they keep talking how lovely I was when I was little.
Yes, children do get annoying. Nevertheless we are drawn to a child for
their innocence and the child gets drawn to us for they are innocent. Children
are innocence of our past or our limitations and all they can do is trust; that
trust makes you and i trustworthy and maybe it is undeserving. And it is that belief from
a child that tends to change you and me. (Except maybe when they are crying
I guess the chance to bring up a child is a chance to be different for a civilization is known by how it treats its children.... and even me.... Ah! Shut up!
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