Saturday 29 March 2014

Inspiration from the other end!

A few lines and a link!

I did have an inspiring day, which was yesterday, watching 'the Devil's Advocate'. Moreover, half way through the movie I checked ma Facebook page to satisfy my itching desire of narcissism when I clicked my way through a portal, which was actually a link posted by my Facebook Colleague, whose friend's alter ego: Snarky McJudypants (a stranger to me) had written it. The link along with the movie, set me in an trance of inspiration to write a set of one liners and I like to present them below: 

Teaching a person about being a star some day, without a lesson in humanity is as lethal as letting a mad dog run around without a leash.

All who tend to add the adjective 'Successful' to the noun 'relationship' haven't understood the two words in the first place.  

There’s nothing called a successful relationship or a successful marriage for a “Successful Marriage” is an oxymoron.

If you flaunt endlessly that you have (or had) a miserable life, it’s still being narcissistic but with an inverted expression.

The attention I devote myself should be overlapped by the attention to others, in the absence of that overlap I could be a practising narcissistic. 

The pursuit of "happ’i’ness" was supposed to be a joke, though all who pursued it never found it humorous.

Well! Life can’t be always about you and hence you need a marriage or perhaps even God ;)

P.S. I feel silly to use the big case 'I' to refer to myself in the sentences above, makes me feel guilty when the spell checks manages to draw a red wavy line underneath 'i', whenever it is used in the small case; makes me feel that the spell check has a sense of narcissism to advocate.

 For the same inspiration please watch the movie and read her blog post if you hadn't noticed that the name was supposed to be the link.( Click here to read )

Thursday 9 January 2014

A collection!

Snippets from 2013!

"We as Humans do share one thing in common: 'being Home Sick'...We all love being home, where we are loved unconditionally, respected or at the least feel comfortable to be ourselves. Either we long to be home or we long to have a home, where we are loved and try getting there. For we spend our lives mostly to get back home or find a home or embark on a saintly journey to create one.... To be loved unconditionally is to be 'Home'.... "

"Sometimes I guess and wanna believe it's in the dumbness of a woman, (perspective)that attracts us(men) to them but as that attractiveness lingers onto a relationship, we soon find that our definition of that dumbness is not valid, of which we try to fix exalting ourselves or suppressing them; rather a perspective error, which when elaborated could be called "narrow mindedness" and it's just that they are differently wired and we should learn to respect that" 
P.S. A relationship might begin on similarities but for a mark of maturity is when we learn to respect those 'differences', for everyone's unique.. 

"A picture is worth a thousand words. But with the advent of Photoshop (and it's versions) , a picture, i guess is worth a thousand 'exaggerated' words" 

"I think the irony of getting a smartphone is that u spend the first moments with it getting to know it, in other words u actually get smarter during those first moments for you are learning and once those moments are over, the whole process is reversed: it gets to get smarter and u get to be, maybe 'Dumber". 

"To learn about humans, i guess we should take a walk among the world of the dead (a graveyard with tombstones) like i just did .... the funniest one was a tombstone of a lady with her educational qualifications listed after her name besides the self righteous caption quoted from the Bible. Graves don't frighten much except for the slithering movements of crawlies beside the graves"

On Rain: The Point: "If a Place (city, town or a Village) doesn't look beautiful in the "Rain", then that place ain't beautiful at all in the first place" 

Friday 13 December 2013


U Fatso!

One of the greatest fears that plague many a human is the thingy of growing fat. For a few it might look greater than the fear of death itself. Nobody wants to grow fat, even the comedian Gabriel Iglesias (he is fluffy not fat) I guess, but just that most just end up being.

Being Fat has nothing to do with a number that gives the value of the force u exert on the earth’s surface. If u want a lesser value, u can save money, colonize the moon and enjoy having a lesser value on the weighing scale and perhaps even try setting  some records in the event:  long jump.  However we all know, we are addicted to numbers these days from weight to our broadband speed to the higher 20’s on the Lumia phones and we let them control our lives.

   I am not writing this post to seduce by saying: “I have a secret to reduce your waistline by 3 inches in a month so read ma next post next week” or “one tip to reduce the belly in an hour, read till the end”. Well! We all know those bastards have taken advantage of our vulnerabilities but this is about how that vulnerability is becoming an annoying projection of our behavior, I reckon. Read on!  

  The reason I think the whole world (it’s a globalised society so what happens here usually happens everywhere) is conscious of becoming fat and feel vulnerable about is watching people’s statements and behavior. Maybe back in those days when folks met each other, it probably was like:

    (Characters in these dialogues are purely fictitious and 

resemblance to anyone is due to ma stupid brain randomly

picking up two common names from the tip of the 

cerebellum or wherever)  

Mary: Hello! Hey haven’t seen you in a long time. How you been?
Justin: I’m good Mary! Oh! I just got married…
Mary: How sweet! Maybe that’s why u put on some weight.
Justin: ah yes! Happens, u know…. 

Today it probably would be like:

Mary: Hey Justin! OMG! Holy Crap!
Justin: what happened?
Mary: OMG! U r so fat
Justin: what? Fat?  I just gained a few pounds…
Mary: that’s fat!

    It looks people look around at everyone and look for the slightest bulge along the waist line and if they find it, they blurt out fast: “growing fat?” or “Someone’s nurturing a belly?”… Blah blah…. We all have heard it or did this to someone else. well! i know that sheepish smile :P

I guess a fear can never be suppressed or so any emotions. If u try, it gets expressed in different ways like sometimes they project that fear on to someone or do it so in their behaviors. Like someone goes around calling everyone fat for some slight fat projections can be diagnosed with that fear - fear that himself/herself may or is  growing fat. He/she is just  scared and so calls everyone around fat to feel safe or non vulnerable......

Moreover today there is no finite line that separates the fat from the lean or the normal (whatever that meant). Today someone might call u fat and after two hours someone else would call u normal and by the end of the day u can’t be sure if u r fat or not until u r really fat.

Conclusion: If someone is annoyingly going around and judging everyone is fat or not as if he/she is a judge on a beauty pageant or something, u can almost be very certainly be sure that the person is just projecting her/his own fear on to someone else. 

Well! we all know what to do now... Lets take them out!

P.S. There's more to a person...... 

Thursday 21 November 2013


After the Game... 

I began to think of children – their innocence , their cuteness, their carefree laughter, not because the week before housed the children’s day for I don’t get too attached to days and have grown over the sentimentality that comes attached to a day, when candies are disturbed. I began to think of them, when after a game of football I sat and gazed at a puppy, whose sex I don’t know but I claim it was a she for I am a male writer and it makes it more intense to have it that way… I was drawn to that puppy like most of you; makes me a good person? (Nope!)


After a game of that wonderful game, where I missed enough goals to be a celebrity, I sat alone and gazed at a puppy dance around the grass with little flowers strewn around and she ran as if to chase a yellow butterfly. (I don’t know if she was chasing that butterfly but for dramatic reasons I claim it was) However I kept an eye on the sleeping mother and her brother, who seemed to sleep as if it was a government holiday (it was) lest if they wake up to find a stranger with their girl. 

Yes! I was drawn to her but she wasn't for she seemed happy or curious running around. Well! I called her – the easy way; to emit a silent high frequency sound. She came running towards me with a nay prejudice. (One word I still can’t pronounce) She came running as if she was sure that I had something good to offer, u know, I wasn't dangerous or evil; in other words she made me feel trustworthy in matter of seconds. 

She wasn't worried if I missed goals in the wonderful game for she was innocent of that or it wasn't necessary at all. She wanted me to play with her or tickle her and give her some expression of affection in a touchy way. Moreover all she was: she was mildly selfish in an innocent way.

  However I guess even I was selfish, attracted to her small, cute innocent features like we are attracted to a baby’s small toes or fingers and sometimes this attraction leaves one in a situation - annoyed. Especially when you walk around with a girl or girls and they grow mad over a stranger’s kid and they are like:

“He is so sho sho cute”.

And I can't help but mumble:

“Yeah right! Even I was cute when I was little”

 Maybe I should hang with someone who was there when I was little and cute and they keep talking how lovely I was when I was little.

Yes, children do get annoying. Nevertheless we are drawn to a child for their innocence and the child gets drawn to us for they are innocent. Children are innocence of our past or our limitations and all they can do is trust; that trust makes you and i trustworthy and maybe it is undeserving. And it is that belief from a child that tends to change you and me. (Except maybe when they are crying annoyingly)

I guess the chance to bring up a child is a chance to be different for a civilization is known by how it treats its children.... and even me.... Ah! Shut up! 

Sunday 10 November 2013


At last  a plagiarism! (kinda)

…. But the new rebel is a Skeptic, and will not entirely trust anything. He has no loyalty; therefore he can never be really a revolutionist. And the fact that he doubts everything really gets in his way when he wants to denounce anything. For all denunciation implies a moral doctrine of some kind; and the modern revolutionist doubts not only the institution he denounces, but the doctrine by which he denounces it. Thus he writes one book complaining that imperial oppression insults the purity of woman, and then he writes another book (about the sex problem) in which he insults it himself. He curses the sultan because Christian girls lose their virginity, and then curses Mrs. Grundy because they keep it. As a politician, he will cry out that war is a waste of life, and then, as a philosopher, that all life is a waste of time. A Russian pessimist will denounce a policeman for killing a peasant, and then prove by the highest philosophical principles that the peasant ought to have killed himself. A man denounces marriage as a lie, and then denounces aristocratic profligates for treating it as a lie. He calls a flag a bauble, and then blames the oppressors of Poland or Ireland because they take away that bauble. The man of this school goes first to a political meeting, where he complains that savages are treated as if they were beasts; then he takes his hat and umbrella and goes on to a scientific meeting, where he proves that they practically are beasts. In short, the modern revolutionist, being an infinite skeptic, is always engaged in undermining his own mines. In his book on politics he attacks men for trampling on morality; in his book on ethics he attacks morality for trampling on men. Therefore the modern man in revolt has become practically useless for all purposes of revolt. By rebelling against everything he has lost his right to rebel against anything.

                                        -------- Orthodoxy (G.K Chesterton )

Refer Page 52- 53 (depends on the size and publisher of the book  :P )

P.S.  I decided put something that is not mine but captured ma attention and the best thing is that i typed it from a actually paper book, didn't copy and paste from some quote webpage or some e book  and for that hard work, i would feel justified if u had read it ;)

Friday 1 November 2013

a Hyberbole!

A Kiss-less Mouth!

A longing to kiss,
the noble gesture of love,
not to seduce or abuse
but to listen with an intent
for love never boasts;
and a kiss is dignified by that love.

Sometimes I wish i could be more eloquent,
to walk up to a lovely maiden
with the tread of a gentleman,
to kiss the hand of the maiden
and remind her that she is beautiful
to walk away and never seeing her again.

I go on to dream to have a child by
to gaze the face of that spotless innocence,
not corrupted by the vileness as a society we render
to kiss that face with a allure of an inferior feeling.
A feeling that longs for that untarnished innocence
so I could get by to the Holy Maker.

A longing to kiss,
the noble gesture of love,
not to seduce or abuse
but to listen with an intent
for love never boasts;
and love is expressed still by a kiss.

A mouth that doesn't kiss
doesn't let the eyes be still and learn.
A mouth that doesn't pause to be still,
to beckon the ears to listen
cannot render a kiss of a sublime countenance
and it is laid waste as a kissless mouth.

A kiss is a noble gesture.
A nod of a loftiest notion
when not to seduce or abuse
but to render a rescue,
from the depths of a loveless muse;
and a loud kissless mouth is mostly a ruse!

Thursday 24 October 2013

Brace Yourself!

The one price you pay for being naughty, when you are little and when you’re cute milk tooths fall, making you look weirdly cute, is that you get messed up crazy permanent tooths later, sometimes every one of them arguably outta place. Moreover as you age, you get to observe with a tinge of jealousy the other decent folks, who I guess had some oral discipline when they were little, with neatly placed tooths (I take the liberty to use this word in this post) or maybe they were just lucky. It’s then you realize and you begin to wish that you should have been  less naughtier orally, maybe with the tongue at the most,  for now your mouth holds that rather futurist remarks of those gone indecorous days. You further fantasize that you could better looking, if you had disciplined your tooths like soldiers with their  ’in phase’ marching, creating seemingly a standing wave. (  :P)

However , you get an opportunity to make up for that lack of discipline by bracing them together for a while and so ya tooths could learn the art of behaving themselves for a better bigger picture with all of them hugging each other without intruding the other’s space.  Once your tooths are braced for a higher cause of unity besides their individual functions, you pay the price for their discipline now. The struggle starts! A struggle almost compensating for your young oral naughtiness!

Struggles of wearing braces: 
(Headings to get more marks when at school)

 The struggle to brush often, lest food get stuck and start the bacterial socialization causing more bacterial colonies and the popular bad breath, which, you know,  affects your socialization. And so you have to manually observe and remove them. The pain that creeps in sometimes, can leave you food less for you can’t chew. The slight fear creeps up, while playing football, and so you show often ya opponent your 'backside'. (An Indian slang I reckon) The curious question guys poke u and ask if your rod would glow like tungsten when electrocuted. The reluctance to eat meat or crispy stuff, in case the braces come off and moreover this fear  gets transmitted in to late night personal entertainment as horror movies, and you wake up with a start and a relief flows when u realize that it was just a dream , where the braces had came off. The metallic pain, when the metal rubs against an ulcer, which probably comes from the deficiency of vitamin B, is a strange pain. And you can’t chew for gum and metal share a serious adhesive force. A little long struggle!!!

  However, when you have the braces taken off, u begin to miss them strangely like the days of childhood. U miss them for they pushed you to struggle but bred a meaning since this struggle had a glimmer of hope; a hope of a better smile. Hope stitched with braces is liberating!

Hope is what makes a struggle dignified and gives the person, a meaning. Hopeless struggle is devastating and depressing and is a sheer waste of time.  To struggle without hope is to be better dead! 
Hope is what that changes a struggle to a noble cause, no matter how hard it seems which sheer optimism can’t provide. Hope, besides Faith and Love is all you and I need to actually live........

“Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies” Shawshank Redemption.

It’s: Hope and Braces!!!