Friday, 13 December 2013


U Fatso!

One of the greatest fears that plague many a human is the thingy of growing fat. For a few it might look greater than the fear of death itself. Nobody wants to grow fat, even the comedian Gabriel Iglesias (he is fluffy not fat) I guess, but just that most just end up being.

Being Fat has nothing to do with a number that gives the value of the force u exert on the earth’s surface. If u want a lesser value, u can save money, colonize the moon and enjoy having a lesser value on the weighing scale and perhaps even try setting  some records in the event:  long jump.  However we all know, we are addicted to numbers these days from weight to our broadband speed to the higher 20’s on the Lumia phones and we let them control our lives.

   I am not writing this post to seduce by saying: “I have a secret to reduce your waistline by 3 inches in a month so read ma next post next week” or “one tip to reduce the belly in an hour, read till the end”. Well! We all know those bastards have taken advantage of our vulnerabilities but this is about how that vulnerability is becoming an annoying projection of our behavior, I reckon. Read on!  

  The reason I think the whole world (it’s a globalised society so what happens here usually happens everywhere) is conscious of becoming fat and feel vulnerable about is watching people’s statements and behavior. Maybe back in those days when folks met each other, it probably was like:

    (Characters in these dialogues are purely fictitious and 

resemblance to anyone is due to ma stupid brain randomly

picking up two common names from the tip of the 

cerebellum or wherever)  

Mary: Hello! Hey haven’t seen you in a long time. How you been?
Justin: I’m good Mary! Oh! I just got married…
Mary: How sweet! Maybe that’s why u put on some weight.
Justin: ah yes! Happens, u know…. 

Today it probably would be like:

Mary: Hey Justin! OMG! Holy Crap!
Justin: what happened?
Mary: OMG! U r so fat
Justin: what? Fat?  I just gained a few pounds…
Mary: that’s fat!

    It looks people look around at everyone and look for the slightest bulge along the waist line and if they find it, they blurt out fast: “growing fat?” or “Someone’s nurturing a belly?”… Blah blah…. We all have heard it or did this to someone else. well! i know that sheepish smile :P

I guess a fear can never be suppressed or so any emotions. If u try, it gets expressed in different ways like sometimes they project that fear on to someone or do it so in their behaviors. Like someone goes around calling everyone fat for some slight fat projections can be diagnosed with that fear - fear that himself/herself may or is  growing fat. He/she is just  scared and so calls everyone around fat to feel safe or non vulnerable......

Moreover today there is no finite line that separates the fat from the lean or the normal (whatever that meant). Today someone might call u fat and after two hours someone else would call u normal and by the end of the day u can’t be sure if u r fat or not until u r really fat.

Conclusion: If someone is annoyingly going around and judging everyone is fat or not as if he/she is a judge on a beauty pageant or something, u can almost be very certainly be sure that the person is just projecting her/his own fear on to someone else. 

Well! we all know what to do now... Lets take them out!

P.S. There's more to a person...... 

Thursday, 21 November 2013


After the Game... 

I began to think of children – their innocence , their cuteness, their carefree laughter, not because the week before housed the children’s day for I don’t get too attached to days and have grown over the sentimentality that comes attached to a day, when candies are disturbed. I began to think of them, when after a game of football I sat and gazed at a puppy, whose sex I don’t know but I claim it was a she for I am a male writer and it makes it more intense to have it that way… I was drawn to that puppy like most of you; makes me a good person? (Nope!)


After a game of that wonderful game, where I missed enough goals to be a celebrity, I sat alone and gazed at a puppy dance around the grass with little flowers strewn around and she ran as if to chase a yellow butterfly. (I don’t know if she was chasing that butterfly but for dramatic reasons I claim it was) However I kept an eye on the sleeping mother and her brother, who seemed to sleep as if it was a government holiday (it was) lest if they wake up to find a stranger with their girl. 

Yes! I was drawn to her but she wasn't for she seemed happy or curious running around. Well! I called her – the easy way; to emit a silent high frequency sound. She came running towards me with a nay prejudice. (One word I still can’t pronounce) She came running as if she was sure that I had something good to offer, u know, I wasn't dangerous or evil; in other words she made me feel trustworthy in matter of seconds. 

She wasn't worried if I missed goals in the wonderful game for she was innocent of that or it wasn't necessary at all. She wanted me to play with her or tickle her and give her some expression of affection in a touchy way. Moreover all she was: she was mildly selfish in an innocent way.

  However I guess even I was selfish, attracted to her small, cute innocent features like we are attracted to a baby’s small toes or fingers and sometimes this attraction leaves one in a situation - annoyed. Especially when you walk around with a girl or girls and they grow mad over a stranger’s kid and they are like:

“He is so sho sho cute”.

And I can't help but mumble:

“Yeah right! Even I was cute when I was little”

 Maybe I should hang with someone who was there when I was little and cute and they keep talking how lovely I was when I was little.

Yes, children do get annoying. Nevertheless we are drawn to a child for their innocence and the child gets drawn to us for they are innocent. Children are innocence of our past or our limitations and all they can do is trust; that trust makes you and i trustworthy and maybe it is undeserving. And it is that belief from a child that tends to change you and me. (Except maybe when they are crying annoyingly)

I guess the chance to bring up a child is a chance to be different for a civilization is known by how it treats its children.... and even me.... Ah! Shut up! 

Sunday, 10 November 2013


At last  a plagiarism! (kinda)

…. But the new rebel is a Skeptic, and will not entirely trust anything. He has no loyalty; therefore he can never be really a revolutionist. And the fact that he doubts everything really gets in his way when he wants to denounce anything. For all denunciation implies a moral doctrine of some kind; and the modern revolutionist doubts not only the institution he denounces, but the doctrine by which he denounces it. Thus he writes one book complaining that imperial oppression insults the purity of woman, and then he writes another book (about the sex problem) in which he insults it himself. He curses the sultan because Christian girls lose their virginity, and then curses Mrs. Grundy because they keep it. As a politician, he will cry out that war is a waste of life, and then, as a philosopher, that all life is a waste of time. A Russian pessimist will denounce a policeman for killing a peasant, and then prove by the highest philosophical principles that the peasant ought to have killed himself. A man denounces marriage as a lie, and then denounces aristocratic profligates for treating it as a lie. He calls a flag a bauble, and then blames the oppressors of Poland or Ireland because they take away that bauble. The man of this school goes first to a political meeting, where he complains that savages are treated as if they were beasts; then he takes his hat and umbrella and goes on to a scientific meeting, where he proves that they practically are beasts. In short, the modern revolutionist, being an infinite skeptic, is always engaged in undermining his own mines. In his book on politics he attacks men for trampling on morality; in his book on ethics he attacks morality for trampling on men. Therefore the modern man in revolt has become practically useless for all purposes of revolt. By rebelling against everything he has lost his right to rebel against anything.

                                        -------- Orthodoxy (G.K Chesterton )

Refer Page 52- 53 (depends on the size and publisher of the book  :P )

P.S.  I decided put something that is not mine but captured ma attention and the best thing is that i typed it from a actually paper book, didn't copy and paste from some quote webpage or some e book  and for that hard work, i would feel justified if u had read it ;)

Friday, 1 November 2013

a Hyberbole!

A Kiss-less Mouth!

A longing to kiss,
the noble gesture of love,
not to seduce or abuse
but to listen with an intent
for love never boasts;
and a kiss is dignified by that love.

Sometimes I wish i could be more eloquent,
to walk up to a lovely maiden
with the tread of a gentleman,
to kiss the hand of the maiden
and remind her that she is beautiful
to walk away and never seeing her again.

I go on to dream to have a child by
to gaze the face of that spotless innocence,
not corrupted by the vileness as a society we render
to kiss that face with a allure of an inferior feeling.
A feeling that longs for that untarnished innocence
so I could get by to the Holy Maker.

A longing to kiss,
the noble gesture of love,
not to seduce or abuse
but to listen with an intent
for love never boasts;
and love is expressed still by a kiss.

A mouth that doesn't kiss
doesn't let the eyes be still and learn.
A mouth that doesn't pause to be still,
to beckon the ears to listen
cannot render a kiss of a sublime countenance
and it is laid waste as a kissless mouth.

A kiss is a noble gesture.
A nod of a loftiest notion
when not to seduce or abuse
but to render a rescue,
from the depths of a loveless muse;
and a loud kissless mouth is mostly a ruse!

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Brace Yourself!

The one price you pay for being naughty, when you are little and when you’re cute milk tooths fall, making you look weirdly cute, is that you get messed up crazy permanent tooths later, sometimes every one of them arguably outta place. Moreover as you age, you get to observe with a tinge of jealousy the other decent folks, who I guess had some oral discipline when they were little, with neatly placed tooths (I take the liberty to use this word in this post) or maybe they were just lucky. It’s then you realize and you begin to wish that you should have been  less naughtier orally, maybe with the tongue at the most,  for now your mouth holds that rather futurist remarks of those gone indecorous days. You further fantasize that you could better looking, if you had disciplined your tooths like soldiers with their  ’in phase’ marching, creating seemingly a standing wave. (  :P)

However , you get an opportunity to make up for that lack of discipline by bracing them together for a while and so ya tooths could learn the art of behaving themselves for a better bigger picture with all of them hugging each other without intruding the other’s space.  Once your tooths are braced for a higher cause of unity besides their individual functions, you pay the price for their discipline now. The struggle starts! A struggle almost compensating for your young oral naughtiness!

Struggles of wearing braces: 
(Headings to get more marks when at school)

 The struggle to brush often, lest food get stuck and start the bacterial socialization causing more bacterial colonies and the popular bad breath, which, you know,  affects your socialization. And so you have to manually observe and remove them. The pain that creeps in sometimes, can leave you food less for you can’t chew. The slight fear creeps up, while playing football, and so you show often ya opponent your 'backside'. (An Indian slang I reckon) The curious question guys poke u and ask if your rod would glow like tungsten when electrocuted. The reluctance to eat meat or crispy stuff, in case the braces come off and moreover this fear  gets transmitted in to late night personal entertainment as horror movies, and you wake up with a start and a relief flows when u realize that it was just a dream , where the braces had came off. The metallic pain, when the metal rubs against an ulcer, which probably comes from the deficiency of vitamin B, is a strange pain. And you can’t chew for gum and metal share a serious adhesive force. A little long struggle!!!

  However, when you have the braces taken off, u begin to miss them strangely like the days of childhood. U miss them for they pushed you to struggle but bred a meaning since this struggle had a glimmer of hope; a hope of a better smile. Hope stitched with braces is liberating!

Hope is what makes a struggle dignified and gives the person, a meaning. Hopeless struggle is devastating and depressing and is a sheer waste of time.  To struggle without hope is to be better dead! 
Hope is what that changes a struggle to a noble cause, no matter how hard it seems which sheer optimism can’t provide. Hope, besides Faith and Love is all you and I need to actually live........

“Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies” Shawshank Redemption.

It’s: Hope and Braces!!!

Monday, 21 October 2013

An Unnecessary Thinking!

An Oops!!

As I grow older, I have begun to think (doesn't necessarily mean I wasn't thinking before) about a lot of phrases we hear strewn around like : ‘life’s unfair’ , 'this is the age to eat' , ‘eat now and later you can’t eat much’….. And I used to hear them and shake ma head like a good kid until now. Certain innocent phrases seems to make no sense when I get the bottom of them - imagining its origins and its consequences. 

My head seems to be such a ‘head-weight’! (An Indian expression i reckon!) Some people accuse me of thinking too much, but it really has an advantage : staying lean. Though a few have accused me of getting fat , specially girls and they seem to enjoy it. Whatever! 

Well! This isn't about gals like most of the songs and poems!
(if there were no women on earth, almost all the songs and poems would cease to exist.. oops! even me!) But it is that phrase that I really don’t understand what it is suppose to mean: 'this is the age to eat' as if all the old folks are in to caves and meditating food-less.  This one seems to be a fallacy, i guess due to some logical incoherence.

This phrase I really don’t know which century’s grand mother came up with and it doesn't seem to be very logically valid today or perhaps any day.  And I don’t know if it really means I should eat more than enough without limits or it means there is a universal 'enough'. But them, several of them abuse this innocent phrase!

However if i really take it literally and eat, whatever or how much ever without much of discipline, (discipline, I am beginning to love it these days) then its effects can be bad maybe in 20 years.
(am always accused of being a futurist) I am sure gonna end with the anti-popular life style diseases. After that sets in, the doc's gonna advice me not to eat, usually whatever i was eating greedily. And it's real annoying when at last someone tells me 'not to eat' for a consulting fee. I could have a bought a big pizza or an insect burger (The UN is encouraging folks to eat insects for it has high protein and easy to breed) with that consulting fee. 

A direct effect of that phrase and it seem to have come true!

But the most frustrating thing would be changing this habit which has strengthened itself for 20 years. And i guess i know by now, that a new habit can never be formed after just a night’s sleep or a magnetic therapy to change brain wiring with a magnetic field. 'Old Habits Die Hard!'.

However all this doomsday consequences would be 'cause of taking that silly phrase too seriously or too literally.

So the thing decided: if I wanna form a habit in the future, I better start doing it now. Later if i'm gonna learn a habit, it would take a long time and worse no background score like Fort Minor’s ‘Remember the name', while i'm training!… Oops!

Friday, 11 October 2013

Do I Make Sense?

a Proverbial render!

Something i wanted to try :)

  1. Look before u like. 
  2. A click on the unlike button doesn't show u don't like it.
  3. Two fake profiles with one password. 
  4. Relationship status and internet gossip wait for none.
  5. He/she who sows sparingly in the 'likes', reaps sparingly.
  6. Love the mutual friend as ya yourself.
  7. There is no place as home as ya homepage.
  8. Pics speak louder than words.
  9. Loneliness is the mother of going online often.
  10. The ever use of 'LOL', breeds contempt.
  11. You can't judge someone by their profile pics.
  12. People who put up pics themselves, shouldn't like it themselves.
  13. Too many added friends clutters the profile. 
  14. You can't always get as many 'likes' as you want.
  15. The more likes u get, the more u want.
  16. Cover pics are always cooler on ya friend's wall.
  17. Like/Comment as you would have them like/comment unto ya.
  18. Everyone is someone else's mutual friend.
  19. Hope to be accepted, but prepare to be blocked.
  20. Don't count ya notifications before they appear.
  21. One person's 'everyone must watch this' is another person's 'nobody should watch it'.
  22. Changing passwords regularly is the best policy.
  23. Add when he/she is still single.
  24. Like mine and i like yours.
  25. When online, appear cool like they do.
  26.  A friend online is a friend in deed.
  27. A friend is known by the mutual friends.
  28. All internet packs must come to an end. 
  29. Every profile tells a story.
  30. It's no use crying over a stolen account.
P.S. If u have one, please leave them in the comment :)

Friday, 4 October 2013

A Scientific Paper? :P

The Anti- Bacterial Hypocrisy!

We have more bacteria than actual human cells on or in our body by a forceful ratio of 3:1 and that’s what the scientific reports claim. (Maybe we all should use bacteria as our surnames?)  Besides one of friends shyly admitted that she read some where that the human mouth houses more bacteria than the US houses its citizens. (Minus illegal immigrants ?) Great Scott! I am kinda relieved at least they didn't find it to a number close to the count of responsible citizens of India or China... In addition to this fact, a typical rationalist wouldn't be able to help but loudly reckon that a kiss could be just a massive exchange of germs and I can’t wait for an evolutionist or an evolutionary anthropologist to come with a sheer story of why we humans started kissing in the first place.. ( Gross? read on)

Several years ago I read a snippet of news, that firmly clung to my mind, which read that the count of allergies is in the rise for a section of us were on a mount to render themselves clean; actually it was ‘too’ clean.  Maybe it referred to the folks who used hand sanitizers after and before a meal. Now after reading the above gross fact, they might even start using mouth washes even more often, for all they can perceive is the invisible bacteria. For they seem that they are more of a bacteria plus a thinking machine, which thinks of nothing but eliminating bacteria. But if they really want to exile these bacteria of their bodies or mostly their skins, they seemly can, you know, outsource this cleansing to the bacterium terminators like the T4, a virus which already exists and it is not from the future biology textbooks.

However I usually think that our bodies are a battleground, where many bloody battles take shape in the mobile War-field: Our Blood. “No wonder blood is always a bloody mess or make one bloody mess” (Try reciting that in the British accent) Battles usually result in a Bloody Mess!

I continue to think that the body is a mighty fortress, in biological terms and not when an IED goes off in my neighbor’s. The infantry in my blood, the warrior cells of the immune system (WBC or T cells or whatever u call it) when they take on their enemies, they study their DNA and store their signatures in a database lest their relatives of the slain germs come, on the pretext of claiming their bodies. Our body, at most can protect itself from all the small invasions, if provided with ample nutrients minus sugar, though it has become very likely our staple diet these modern days. In the end, I guess it all depends on you, for you are the subtle commander in chief of your body’s defence forces, as the immune system depends on your mood, in other words, I guess, your emotional stability (Ah yes! I did read Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence)

Well! We being our bodies’ sole commander in chief, it becomes our duty to organise some military exercises or target practices for the body’s defence forces’ like letting some extra bacteria linger on. But if you don’t, then the soldiers might get bored and start attacking anything that enters the bodies from peanuts to bits of paper. Moreover by acting too clean, we lose out on the bacteria for our symbiotic relationship with them or just for some sheer military exercises.

My conclusion: In the end, I believe, we should take our bodies for some walk and let them be dirty for a while, so that your body can have some military games and stay healthy by maintaining a strong defensive database.Well! In the end we should just stay socially clean but biologically dirty……..For being too clean is not healthy and a distinct hypocrisy!  ;)

Friday, 27 September 2013

The 13th Post!

An Observation: The Highway! 

While I waited for the train bound for Mumbai to arrive, I daydreamed; allowing for the probability that some pretty girl would be bound to my bay and due to her interest in me would pick up a conversation with me and that would make the fellow passengers jealous but would make my journey memorable. I further fantasied that I would go and pose for a photograph in front of the Taj, like everyone else does and put it up on Facebook and generate some likes. After that Terrorist attack, the Taj got more popular, while the Gateway of India watched with quiet envy, with the English East India Company buried with it.

 The train did arrive 20 minutes late enhancing my dream for 20 long minutes extra, and we rushed inside , throwing the luggage up and under and got the seat offenders to leave and I very soon realized that there wasn't a pretty girl around except a girl named Preeti. ( A girl I hypothetically named) The 36 hour journey began with a Chai for 7 bucks!

Train journeys are usually like some mobile (moving) parties, with mostly folks whom we can’t become fond of, have invited themselves. (I don’t know what I was thought of). And yes, there are food and drinks (Non-Alcoholic) – served. Ah! Yes! The music is on and audible as long the train is moving on the tracks, as if the DJ was underneath and the speed of the train controlled the tempo.  Well! Dance is very passive. U really don’t have to dance, u just stand or sit and you are already dancing.

However if you eat too much at the party, the biggest alarm is the toilets. Nevertheless these days, folks carry far more anxiety than the reluctance to go to the toilet, when the icon on the mobile phone which indicates battery power goes half empty. (Or half full) As the power dips, the party’s over and they get disheveled,  their eyes dart towards the power socket near the door to see if it’s free to have their souls filled with charged particles. Sadly there is always someone there, charging and looking around victorious, as if he is high on something; one place to get high i guess at the mobile party. 

Moreover standing at the door is one luxury that folks reach for, for it gives you the time away from the stares of others. And it is when I stood there away from the people, watching the moving view trying to understand Einstein’s relativity, I noticed something.

The one thing that caught my eye beside all these confusion of the party inside is a passive construction of a highway. A highway created by all the responsible but ignorant travellitizens. A highway created by not of corrupt politicians but our selfish souls I reckon. This highway formed by the thrown waste through the windows gets broader and whiter each day, as trains keep whirring past every day. This highway runs beside the tracks beside rails or sometimes on the bushes nearby.  This litter highway runs even in to the platforms of the stations and run for thousands of kilometers and runs every where.

That's the problem with waste, they are very naughty or they tend to have the boomerang effect. You throw them away they actually never go away and come back to us in very subtle ways. In this case, these waste got together as if in a conspiracy to create a highway beside the track like a child throwing a tantrum for it is given to someone else care and they can’t take care of them.

This highway is still not complete and it solely depends on us to make it whole for the entire earth is a dump yard. So let’s join hands and throw everything through the window in to the moving frame so we can complete this highway collectively. Once it is complete maybe our children could travel on them in some strange way or if that is not possible then maybe the bacteria can foster this highway, when they evolve to have wheels......

Yeah Right! With this my daydream about Mumbai was over!

Friday, 6 September 2013

An Unfinished!

Love is War!

The war between the sexes is perhaps the longest waging war in history and its battleground are our streets, homes and our comfort zones. This war has lasted longer than the 100 year war between England and France and perhaps began at the blame game, acted out at the Garden of Eden. Or if I consider evolution, I really don’t know when those asexual beings thought to themselves that creating a parallel sex, which would evolve to be differently wired was actually progress and whom they could procure later, later at an advanced stage. Whatever! We have a frustrated ugly war raging in all of us for being forced to be attracted to the opposite sex. (Well! I know what you are thinking) But this war becomes a battle from being a war in general, when the opposite side sends in a personal ambassador and this happens when people fall in love or get married.

They together actually sign off a contract for a bigger, closer war right in their comfort zones, which for many is supposed to be a demilitarized zone or the ‘no one allowed’ zone. They sign up to be together with a kiss, a partner who might turn in to an opponent sooner or later, who engages with a different of rules gathered up by the wired head from culture, traditions, customs and a unique past. Nonetheless this war can increase opponents or fellow soldiers, who come in the form of children or relatives and society. Love is not just a beautiful story but a tale of war for to love is to be at war and death could be only the noble peace treaty. Falling in love, I guess is a unique call to arms, where your partner may become the main opponent, whom you need and so you cannot despise. ......... Blah...Blah....

It's one of those days, where you start writing on a idea and then change so many courses and finally can't come to a place to finish for everything is easier to start to tough to finish especially you tend to write about the issue of opposite sex, love etc. Now i am at war with my own mind and i believe that i should sign a peace treaty and then i could write again on this or maybe after the Syrian crisis is over. But  looks to me there is no conclusion in matters as these and this is the conclusion i have arrived upon as of now, to end this fruitless endeavor.. Adieu!   

Monday, 2 September 2013

Did i Write This?

 The Green Dot!

Back in those old days, when the world was six years younger than today and Facebook was beginning to grow to be everything - everything from the young folks’ expectations to old folks’ hidden desires or whatever, the green dot was being dotted besides names. These virtual folks with an account had to sign in to check out the new environment, like on an evening stroll that comes to an end and so it ends with the click of the sign out button, which also called logging off or back to the not so bright world - Gray. So if a guy had some crush on someone, whose mobile number he didn't have an access to, he would have waited for hours or maybe even days (Based on how crazy he was) for her to come online and perhaps generate a conversation that looks vaguely like this:

He: Hi

She ( after 10 minutes): Hi

He: how r u?

She (after several moments): am fine! U?

He: am good.

She: nice….

(This nice creates an awkward moment for it sure crashes the course of the conversation)

She: I gotta go… Bye!

He: Bye…….

(Oops! before he could say “it was nice talking to you, the green dot turns gray indicating she is no longer signed in)

He now with the crashed fantasy, with a deluded mind begins to miss the green dot beside her name, even more than He seems to miss her. The green dot is what he waited for, beside her name and perhaps he would wait again for the greening of the dot to indicate her virtual existence or reappearance; he wishes for the dot to be forever green.

 However, now with the advent of the ‘mobile computer’ that actually stays stationary in your pocket, while we dumbly move around and it gets to be called smart...... Anyway these computers which have become very touchy these days, let us exist simultaneously in the real and the virtual world like the cat in the famous 'thought' experiment called the Schrodinger’s Cat Experiment; the cat, I guess,  is still awaiting death or maybe even longing for it. As a result, I believe the most important application of a smart phone is not the Apps, but its ability to keep that green dot besides your name from turning gray virtually, even if your hair turns gray really. Although they seem to promise to keep that green dot alive until u and I are dead, this endeavor seems to suck life out of your battery exponentially. Alas! I wouldn't be surprised if they soon begin allow the dead to be pseudo-online or something, for everyone loves some sort of immortality and continued familiarity minus contempt.  

  Sometimes while i am still alive, I often reckon if people always had something written before and after their names when just their names, made them feel vulnerable or too exposed. Now I believe that folks would rather have this green dot beside their name for company than all these years hiding behind or before their educational qualifications. Now it has become a thing of coolness - the green alien glow beside names. So I was just thinking if I could get this green dot for company when I am gone and alone in my grave, making me look cool even while dead by installing a digital tombstone or something, with a will left behind stating to whom my cool cover photos would go to and possibly he can use it too.

Moreover as this green dot continues to dominate our life, I sometimes feel that it has begun to decompose the idea of goodbye. For after you usually wave goodbye to someone, the person physically leaves you and now logs off. But now thanks to the smart phones, the green dot beside the name you just said goodbye is still staring out to you from the side; making it look like that the person is still peeping out, checking out your other activity or just waiting for another chat. Yeah Right!

I see sometimes that folks joke, with image laden statuses that if they aren't online, in other words, if that green dot isn't green for two days, call the cops! As if the green dot represents differences between living or immobile. Is it that they have become secretly become comfortable residing beside the green dot than existing in this real gray world or I am just making some needless fuss about a green dot that is just a green dot?

 Well! At least the green dot on Facebook doesn't discriminate like Gmail where you and I can be busy, idle or perhaps even dead. So RIP!

Friday, 23 August 2013

Those Vaguely Vague Ones!

Towards Perfect Love!

All our vanity, debaucheries and our selfishness can seem satisfying or at least appear to until the the moment we fall in love and decide to love someone truly. Our flawlessness or weakness can have no relevant meaning at all until we want to love. Our general quantitative aspects to the meaning of life breaks down to birth the discreet qualitative notion - when we love. Our sense to move towards a perfect idea of character begins, when we begin to love. 
  We desire immensely to be perfect not because we want to but it rather it stems from our self found revelation, that our imperfectness meddles in our ability to love perfectly.But if you desire to be perfect for pride and not for love then that perfectness would never be complete leaving you frustrated. No matter how hard we try to hide our raw selves, we long passionately to not just to be loved but to love perfectly the ones we want to love. (though to be loved depends on the other person) It is not just the show of affection but it seeps deeper- to sacrifice to the point of giving up our lives though not just through death (which is sometimes easy) but of your thoughts, attitude and therefore your way of life. To love someone is to give up your comfort zone of petty selfishness and rise above yourself and anticipate to be perfect and so you can love perfectly, though you never know if you would be loved in return. For it's mostly love, that empowers us to go beyond our potentials.

If you and i are tempted to think that character doesn't matter, then i would say with reluctance that when it comes to relationships, character does matter. If you don't think so, then love someone dearly and be honest to yourself and you could come face to face with your inability to love. For love is patient, love is kind, love does not envy; it does not boast, keeps no records of wrong. It not easily angered; it is not proud or rude. It is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, trusting and never fails. We can't keep up with the above list, which we know are characteristics of real love until we develop a character or aspire to. If your love doesn't develop a character, then i doubt even if u love or trying to love in the first place. You can be patient in the beginning of a beautiful love but it's character developed through that love, that enables you to be patient later in love. It's love that inspires that character which in turn inspires you and i to that perfect character which in turn leads back into a love that is growing prefect due to the developing character.

The main cry of this world is an example of a perfect love, that they can be a part of not their allegiance to a  perfect political idea or government.

Friday, 16 August 2013

The Rain Trilogy.....

Part Two: While it Rains!

The spherically shaped discrete unit of water, known to us as drops, form the functional unit of the rain. (sounds like an answer in a science test) The drops, fall when they are big enough (probably 18) to be intoxicated under the influence of gravity, leave their abode in turns. They begin to have a free life, leaving home and probably sky diving without a parachute until they they make contact in seconds; could be a hair less head or just a spiny Porcupine. It's not that they don't have a future or something, they just annihilate when they hit with a sound, ( a soft continuous sound similar to when ya curry is cooking) nevertheless for a greater cause. 

Sometimes they sound like an army, raining down a battery of white canon balls along with their water bullets ready to take over the land, fighting their arch rival - Dryness, whose king is probably the sun. But sometimes this wet black army really rubs it in, when they are angry or too drunk, they try to establish their water kingdom on earth, perhaps the land. It suddenly seems, when this army does it to an extent by going beyond just to defeat dryness, and when they bring in their ally, the wind, who gets deadly as his speed, that they are sent in by the sea, (like on a suicide mission) sent to conquer the land; the sea probably gets very ambitious now and then even when it covers 71% of the earth surface. who cares! Oops! the real estate folks ;)

Anyway that's a war hyperbole version of the rain. Yeah! Rain to us, is just getting our supplies of the life drink replenished or just getting water from the top to clean up. We as humans mess up, like a kid who dirties his trousers while playing in the sand and gets his mom to wash it up, we however call nature to do it now and then, in other words it's 'Nature's Laundry Time'. (and please concrete's laundry time too). Moreover we as humans have really dirtied up the place beyond measure, so when it rains it actually gets more messed up up like a kid whose tries to clean a blob of chocolate sauce of his shirt with his already chocolate soaked fingers. (you know!) I always thought that if a place doesn't look lovely in the rain (or even just after a rain) that place is not at all beautiful in the first place, thanks to the responsible sanitary department of the government and it's many irresponsible citizens. (take a bow!)

  However usually while it rains, the parents usually house arrest the unlucky kids for the fear of the virus but the lucky ones, get to dance in the rain which is one of the most lovely things to do, except if you are from Cherrapunji. If you're an adult you pretty much get to have a nonchalance feeling for the rain, except if it is your daughter's wedding tomorrow (who wants a muddy wedding?). If you are young, and not getting married tomorrow, you can always romanticize a setting with your sublime love virtually or like the movies sit down with the cup of coffee and stare at the rainy view, with pretty much nothing to do except posing. But if you are, say at a bus stop, beside your parked bike, you get to watch folks who seem to be running for the first time in their lives with a controlled amusing speed besides you looking for the lost instincts of when it might stop raining. Oh! It has stopped raining..... I gotta go! Adieu!  

Friday, 9 August 2013

One of those 'just' Writings!

Take out the Trash!

To open my mail inbox everyday is like rummaging literally through trash, like a a scavenger looking for something valuable. However as i ransack the crap (mostly), assisted by the mouse controlled cursor, i usually find something that appears to shine as gold, enough to captivate the human heart, which is usually all those fraudulent mails stating that you, or your mail or even your mobile number has deserved to win something (getting stuff free is our greatest temptation though sometimes it appears in it's diluted form, endorsed by the sinister sign: Up to 50% off!....) Moreover i guess, they are not true but who cares to find out anyway as they always ask for some security deposit; there's no free lunch my Boy! ( an old saying which i know kinda sure that didn't have it origins in India) However the other part of the search is directed towards finding some mail addressed as "Dear something", which when seen, seems like searching for diamonds for the soul among the virtual dump, which Google tries frantically to neatly list.(thanks to the spam folder)

    I sometimes sheepishly believe that i name my 'Inbox' as 'Trash' and move the scavenged mails, which attract my attention or which i think means something to me, to the inbox to complete my scavenging. But thanks to the new tab initiative by the Gmail team for i guess, seem to have a better waste management.... Virtually!

P.S. We as a human race seem to produce more waste and it gets more sophisticated as time goes by. Yup! and now we are creating it 'virtually'......

Saturday, 3 August 2013

To Romanticize...?

The School Romance!

I first laid my eyes on you when I was six 

as you were gathered away in his arms.

I knew sooner - mystically that our paths would  cross

and we would be for a life time together - inseparable

with what they call the gut feeling.

I stayed low, as days collectively known as months passed

and i was busy doing math & science 

holding a graphite rod, sharpened with a Japanese blade

engineered by the Germans and while made in China.

While China slowly began to manufacture the fountain pen,

which I would use when I entered the fourth grade- I heard


I had almost forgotten you then, but as i heard that lovely 

tone from yonder,

I reconfigured that it was a time for a love story- a story

with loads of love but it could be rendered Illegit by the 


On a fine day when usually nothing better happens,

 I saw you all by yourself with no arms wrapped.

I stole myself, excited with curiousity, moving cautiously

but you didn't budge for you were turned the other way

as i touched you - Snap! went the second string of a guitar,

whose care taker wasn't around to be seen.

My heart throbbed for it look like a failed proposal;

I drew back as i got a real scowl from the owner

when he had learned about this rather embarrassing touch. 

Though this failed endeavour never stopped my arrival,

going around getting different guitars to date

and it was years before i married one - who 

perhaps left after she broke (literally) leading to the break up.

Now as i live each day, i can only sing a nostalgia

for these six metal strings, they always made my day;

days when i got frustrated or angry or tired - they 

together enabled me to create something beautiful (music),

beautiful through all the times - times we spent

in solitude under the moon or even under the ceiling fan;

times when they together were a support when i was vexed,
and spared the money for a anger management session.

Now with gratitude, I sing the song i sung...

"Oh 'E'! You appear so shiny and high when u sound

and your cute neighbour 'B' who helps while I Travis pick.

My lovely 'G' - you are hard to tame (tune) but when u do

you fill my heart with a music so psychedelic;

and your brother 'D' sound the best harmonics.

Mr. 'A', i respect you for you are like salt in a meal

and 'E' your depth, deepens my emotions emotionally 

and i can't wait to meet your twins on a 12 string guitar.. :P "  

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Another of my Vague Opinions....

A Person's Worth?

Well,  in  my opinion about in a relationship, it's not just okay to revel in the fact that the other person loves you and you just enjoy its benefits or fruits and seem at ease. Sometimes you love the other person because he/she loves you or you just love and don't know why or you don't wanna know for even that curiosity seem to scare you. Although the answers to this questions don't prove useful in the beginning but they can hold life or death policies at difficult times.

However this attitude seems is sheer shallowness, for you to sit on a belief that's on shifting sand or rather more on a selfish grounds- Businesslike.Either both benefit from the relationship or at the least you benefit and therefore you just sit back at ease and fantasize that the other person likes you. It's pure innocence or you being being numbed by a feeling that's so good.

If you ask me, I would say in relationships, you just don't sit back and enjoy but divulge deep in to the other person’s heart cautiously, to know what's inside even when it hurts you in the process for it is an investment in the long run rather than to run and sit back is sheer shallowness!One of the noblest attire that you can give to a relationship is to have an non-meddlesome interest on what the other person thinks about him/herself, for that self relation directly affects the relationship with you.
In the beginning, a relationship always is a bliss; thinking about the other,blushing when you receive a text/call, wait for him to come online so you could chat, the joy when you get to sit next to her, hit a like for everything she updates on facebook. ( Blah..blah... u know it.) Nevertheless, adding a sense of destiny to the fact that you both met or trying to add a tinge of non-coincidence to the way you both met like asking rhetorical questions like " How did we end up meeting each other?" ........ But as we live down the lane, we begin to realize that it really doesn't  matter at the instant how you met or how you ended up together (if it works out); some may even call it fate. But it's how much you invested sublimely in the other person's soul, for everyone ends up in that hard moments of nonchalance. Physical bareness is not the only sign of the closeness of the relationship but stripping of the soul. To bare oneself to the soul is to strip but not tease each other’s' fears, weakness, insecurity and stress but nod with acceptance in the heart for everyone come with a set of stupidity. Therefore if you hadn't placed priority on a person's worth, then the hard times could be a drudgery for the relationship itself seem to breed the dirge along with the person. A person i guess has more value discreetly than what you place on her/him in the realms of the relationship.A person's worth goes beyond the relationship!

Well it's one of the other vague thinking i decided to write and got myself a person to edit it; she really found it hard to understand whatever i was trying to say with my writing that looks so incoherent and thank heavens she didn't bail out :)....Well!time to go pen down another article!

Friday, 19 July 2013

Stop! It's a Red!

The Red and Green Interactions!

   One of the places where the feeling of humanhood (This word doesn't exist?) or the desire to fight for human rights with actual deeds is right at a traffic signal. The traffic signal is one cursed place for it swallows time like a black hole but it is also a place of complex human interactions like at a battle front level and brings people  together without a discipline - the lane discipline.

    Whenever i stop at a traffic signal with my motor bike, i feel like a patient soldier or like a knight mentioned in those old poetry and everyone who stands by me in my lane (My? your grandfather didn't make it, did he?... An Indian saying?) on their whatever wheeler look like my comrades irrespective of their gender, race, creed and blah except when they honk right behind me. As we wait,  we cast momentary glances at the LED powered signals and jealousy filled looks at the lane, whose motorists are cruising fast with looks like in a fashion show where speed is the criteria and not leanness. Besides these glances across, looks are cast within the lane at the other bikes or how well bikes can fill gaps between cars or just a smile at a cute child whose hugging her dad from behind, as if the hug separated life from death. (Even i was cute when i was small :P) Then as if we are connected in a network of telepathy, we slowly start giving some translatory motion (I majored in Physics :P) to the chugging engine in unison and if some guy manages to trespass the junction in to the promised land even before the green, we either laud him secretly for his bravery and presence of mind or impatiently wait for the green photons so we can adamantly overtake him with a scoff. (We do that, don't we? :P)

   The green light as it reaches the eye, ( The human eye is most sensitive to the green-yellow) the two wheeler folks charge like a cavalry cutting and stranding any guy who tries to pass before we can from another lane and hope he/she feels that everything is fair in love,war and at a traffic light. As this happens a feeling surges; a feeling that occurs at self-righteousness, for you have helped capture the junction for ya lane and so the slow, weak and the heavy trucks and buses (MTC buses) can pass victoriously like the Israelis crossed the Red Sea. As we cross the junction, the Brotherhood/Sisterhood feeling slowly diminishes as the distance form the junction increases and it lies dormant until at the next traffic light.

    I've tried to capture a vivid imagery of what goes on at a traffic light and i sometimes think that a person is known by how he/she behaves at a traffic light.......           

Friday, 12 July 2013

The Rain Trilogy.....

Part One: Before it Rains!

The Rain has captivated us all! (Yeah right! a friend and i tried a song inspired by rain but never worked) In science we learn that it's a part of the Water Cycle, a cycle where water is stolen with a sense of justice but in the stealth mode by heat (Usually our enemy except while cooking ;) ) and then returned in a rather romantic   state of affairs, where heat's chief advocate - the sun, is imprisoned behind thick fluffy carriers of that stolen water in its spirit form. (gaseous form)

  The moments before a rain are, i guess, one of the most non-colourfully beautiful nostalgic moments, for everything looks 'grayish'.....  Besides the grayish spectrum shown to the eyes, these moments do bring an ecstasy to the other senses as well. (except the sense of 'taste' i guess) The sudden drop in temperature shows itself through the cool breeze that caresses your skin, sometimes causing goosebumps and the smell of the soil, (this for the folks who know what soil is :P) which sometimes makes us wonder where this aroma is hidden all this time, as if the rain enlightens us to a higher level of olfactory process. The army of fluffy warriors marching, (actually floating but i need a certain picture.. so) as they take Sun a prisoner along with the lights and the sound effects, with inbuilt delay, they tarry across from the horizon. As they race to capture the skies with their rather dull colour, they wait for the signal, which sometimes i think is just that one naughty drop who falls first and then the stampede begins and this is called "RAIN"...

The time before a rain, seem powerfully beautiful and these moments also kick in an extra adrenaline to go play the best football, which usually happens when girls are pretending to watch us play football... Fine! now that i said that i am nostalgic of something from the past... So Adieu! ;)     

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

An Ugly But a Wise, wacky Truth!

She holds your hand; she drops her head on ya shoulder when you sit by her. She even holds ya arm when she walks beside you, talking about how happy she is... When she is, it sends your heart reeling with pleasure- a bliss tinged with calmness. You see her playing away, and you just gaze at her with a stillness that's stirs your heart. While you travel alone, you suddenly see her walking with a different set of folks around, but as your curiosity slowly turns into an apprehension, you acknowledge with an embarrassment, that it is not her but someone else with a grace that very much belongs to her. 

        As i draw out the feelings i feel (felt) in symbols, that i try to convey the meaning intended i stop short. A realization that crawls out in an ugly form - from within, though ugly it makes me wise. It hits hard, enough for me to convict myself on the notion that am selfish. A selfish mind ( i should say heart) that surrenders only when u think deep and maintain an open mind - unbiased. On the surface, for me to think about my feelings, vent it out or confess it or repress it can be seem consciously right but on the contrary i don't seem to give a damn, though innocently about what she thinks or feels. Though in many instances, her physical dandles can be conscious intentions to leave a trail of emotional ecstasy in my heart but what if it wasn't intended. "Not Intended?"... What does that suppose to mean? Well this is the question that hit me right in the nerve. Yeah it's possible to be "not-intended", specially if she has been brought up in a different culture or environment or grew up with a different perspective. (Opposite sexes always complain about the difference in perspective)

         All this time i have been selfish, thinkin' about what she makes me feel, all the while i did forget what it means to her. Besides if she feels the same, then to express yours can always be justified, for it might not cause any friction in the short run but you need to be sure; assumptions don't always sync.( Though physical laws are always based on assumptions) Every human has a free will, which i guess shouldn't violate even if i feel so good without a scheme in mind. So i try to step back, feel what i feel but before i draw the conclusions, i try to find the whats about her and the way she feels then with respect to her space, i express mine. This tends to give more meaning, i guess in the long run. I know and believe that this life is not just about me ( when it comes to a relationship; otherwise too!) and therefore am content, without much of vulnerability i accept people even when they don't feel the same way i do about them.

         I sit down with ease for it's not about the validation of my feelings, that brings to meaning and satisfaction to my poor soul but looking to see the bigger picture; God sees the ultimate picture for he is outside space-time! ( I assumed that God exists when i wrote this :P)  Now with a greater hope, i tread on to listen more than to speak!!! :)